driver risk inventory ii (dri-ii)

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Items 119 - 140. The Driver Risk Inventory-II or DRI-II is a brief, easily administered and automated (computer scored and interpreted on-site) DUI/DWI offender screening instrument or test. The DRI-II contains six scales that measure client truthfulness, driver risk, stress coping abilities, alcohol abuse severity and drug abuse. DRIVER RISK INVENTORY - 2. The Driver Risk Inventory - 2 or DRI-2 test is designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. The DRI was rated "The Best" by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is the highest federal authority in the DUI/DWI field. This test has been standardized on. Items 74 - 89. Elevated scale scores refer to percentile scores that are at, or above the 70th percentile. Severe problems are identified by scale scores at, or above the 90th percentile. The DRI-II and the DRI-2 have been administered to over 1¾ million DUI/DWI offenders. And, this cumulative database continues to expand,. Driver's License Suspended/Revoked? No. Arrest Reduced to Careless/Reckless Driving? No. Lifetime alcohol-related (not DUI/DWI) arrests: 12. Lifetime drug-related (not DUI/DWI) arrests: 12. Lifetime At-Fault Motor Vehicle Accidents: 0. Lifetime Traffic Violations (Tickets): 22. DRIVER RISK INVENTORY-2 (DRI-2). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the highest federal authority in the DUI/DWI field. After reviewing the major DUI/DWI offender tests, NHTSA rated the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), the best (DOT HS 807 475). Now, after years of additional research the DRI has been improved. The DSM-5. The DRI-II is a self-report DUI/DWI offender assessment comprised of 140-item. The items comprise 5 scales: 1) Truthfulness Scale; 2) Driver Risk Scale; 3) Alcohol Scale; 4) Drug Scale and 5) Stress Management Scale. The DRI incorporates the DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder classification, along with independent. Ii,." Provided By. Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. P.O. Box 32938. Phoenix, Arizona 85064 t ,i t···· '" 't';"J. ~':..'" ;.. 't>., .,,:' Driver Risk Inventory (DRI): An Inventory of. Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) research and development began in 1979 and has. The Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) gathers important DWI/DUI information from the. The website discusses 3 driving related tests: Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II); Driver Impairment Index; and the Reinstatement Review Inventory-II. The DRI-II and the Driver Impairment Index are DVI/DWI/OUI offender screening instruments or evidence based tests. The Reinstatement Review Inventory. These tests included the Domestic Violence Inventory, Defendant Questionnaire, Driver Risk Inventory II, Sexual Adjustment Inventory and the Substance Abuse Questionnaire, and the. If you are looking for a short assessment or test to use with your DUI/DWI offenders we suggest you consider the DRI-II Short Form. The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reviewed all major DUI/DWI offender tests and rated the DRI-II as the best. NHTSA is the highest federal authority in the DUI field. The DRI-II assesses offender. The DRI was rated "The Best" by the National Highway. The Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) is a brief, easily administered and. The DRI-II has been researched and standardized on over 1.3 million DUI/DWI offenders. Items 119 - 140. The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender. The DRI was rated "The Best" by the National Highway. The Driver Risk Inventory-II or DRI-II is a brief, easily administered and The DUI/DWI offender's answer to the “recovering alcoholic” question. Driver Risk Inventory-2 (DRI-2) results are confidential and should be considered working (Unless otherwise stated, questions. The Written Test: Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II). The Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) is a test designed by Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. specifically for DWI / DUI offender assessment. The test booklet contains 140 items; 84 true or false questions and 56 multiple choice questions. The DRI-II is written at a 5th or 6th grade. The director of an IDCMP program will administer a battery of tests to an incoming client, including the Research On Addictions Self-Inventory (RIASI) and the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II) tests. Each test is scored in accordance with current research, and it is believed that certain answer patterns indicate. Abstract. PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to characterize age-group differences on the Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) in a group of driving under the influence (DUI) offenders. METHOD: Data from 11,066 DUI cases from the state of Nebraska were used. The sample was grouped by age (18-20, 21-39, 40-59, and. Items 119 - 140. Arrest Reduced to Careless/Reckless Driving? No. Items 74 - 89. This is accomplished with the Driver Risk Inventory-2 (DRI-2). As previously noted. To adequately understand a DUI/DWI violator's driving risk, it is important to know their driver attitude, aggressiveness, and skills... The DRI-II and the DRI-2. This website presents three driver-related tests: 1. Driver Risk Inventory-II, 2. DRI-II Short Form and 3. Reinstatement Review Inventory-II. The Driver Risk Inventory-II is a DUI/DWI offender assessment instrument or test. It was developed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. The DRI-II. The Alcohol subscale of the Driver Risk Inventory II was used to assess the risk of problem alcohol use. Results:.. The aim of this study was to examine the profiles of urban and rural DUI offenders using results from the Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) to determine what, if any, differences exist between these two groups. Purpose: The aim of the study was to characterize age-group differences on the Driver Risk Inventory–II (DRI-II) in a group of driving under the influence (DUI) offenders. Method: Data from 11,066 DUI cases from the state of Nebraska were used. The sample was grouped by age (18-20, 21-39, 40-59, and 60-84) and. This study examined two versions, paper–pencil and computer based, of the Driver Risk Inventory, a DUI/DWI (driving under the influence/driving while intoxicated) risk. Driver Risk Inventory–II (DRI-II): Objective and accurate DUI/DWI offender assessment.. Predicting multiple DUI offenders using the Florida DRI. Figure 1. DRI-II Profile of older adult DUI offenders compared with young adult DUI offenders. Note. Squares, circles, triangles, and diamonds represent the mean percentile scores; error bars are standard deviations. DRI-II = Driver Risk Inventory–II; DUI = driving under the influence. Go to publication · Download · Figure 1. 2002-03-15 17:33:18 by driver). 2002-03-12 15:30:03 by title). 9 software( was 2002-03-10 20:03:04 by evidence). Quake2 is available driver risk inventory ii (dri( used 2002-03-08 15:30:01 by LED fun). CMWL Update - Week 2( launched 2002-03-05 15:41:29 by 4:08amHow council). errors not( brought 2002-03-02. 1 department uses the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II). • 3 departments use the Texas Christian University substance abuse scale (TCU). DWI policies: • 15 departments have developed at least 1 policy and these range from generalized supervision of DWI probationer techniques to specifics on Victim Impact Panel processes. The Driver. Risk Inventory-II, a self-report DUI/DWI assessment instrument, can be very useful in determining offender risk/needs and selecting appropriate remedial intervention measures. In this study of 11,832 DUI/DWI offenders 30.6 percent of the offenders had two or more DUI/DWI arrests. DRI-II scales had high. Version II has 140 items and takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Version II has seven (7) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence Scale 3... After reviewing the major DUI/DWI offender tests, NHTSA rated the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), the best (DOT HS 807 475). Now, after years of additional research, the. Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI) Developed by Lindeman and Scrimgeour (1999) and available through Behavior Data Systems, RO. Box 32308, Phoenix, Arizona 85064. The DRI is considered to be one of the most psychometrically sound instruments for DWI screening, in that reliability has been well-established and validity. Screening Instrument: The Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) has been selected to be the screening instrument for SATOP. The Missouri DRI-II is a self-administered assessment instrument designed specifically for DUI/DWI offenders. For more information about the Missouri DRI-II, contact Behavior Data Systems at (800). SKU, trol-14092312. Author, Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. Purpose, "Designed for DUI/DWI offender screening." Publication Date, 1986–1997. Acronym, DRI-II. Note, Efforts to obtain updated information from the test publisher for Tests in Print IX were unsuccessful. An newer edition of this test appears on the test publisher's. THE DRIVERRISKINVENTORY-II (DRI-II). The Driver Risk Inventory-Il (DR-II) is for DUI/DWI offender assessment. This test has been standardized on over one million DUI/DWI offenders and incorporates DSM-IV classification criteria along with independent measures of alcohol and drug use (or abuse) Severity. "The DR-II. The Addiction Severity Index (5th edition, 1998), to include completion of all fields within the ASI assessment (see Appendix A). The Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) (2007 edition), except that clients who have already taken the DRI-II as part of a screening described in He-A 507.02 shall not be required to take the test again. ... Measure (COMM), 386 DIRE (diagnosis, intractability, risk, efficacy), 386 Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), 49 Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II), 39 Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN), 49–50, 356 Global Appraisal 3GBSUINDEX 08/08/2014 15:32:11 Page 538. The purpose of this website is to introduce visitors to the Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) a popular DUI/DWI offender screening test; the Driver Impairment Index (DII), a new California DUI violator test; and the Reinstatement Review Inventory (RRI), one of the very few, if not dthe only, drivers license reinstatement test. Instruments for which normative data have been collected from DWI offender populations include the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) (Selzer, 1971), the Mortimer–Filkins Questionnaire (Webb, 1990), the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) (Behavior Data Systems, Ltd, 1997), the Substance Abuse Life Circumstance. Twenty-three of 47 states mandated use of one or more instruments, with the Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) and the Mortimer-Filkins test being the most commonly mandated evaluation tools. We found a total of 33 evaluation instruments in use, with only half the states reporting that they were satisfied with. 001066-C. Answer Key. Name: Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II). Accession Number: 000699. Publisher/City: Behavior Data Systems, Ltd./Phoenix, AZ. Date: 1997. Reviewed In: 14th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127. Contents: • 000699-A. Driver Risk Inventiry-II. • 000699-B. Orientation and Training Manual. The Reinstatement Review Inventory (RRI) and RRI-II are unique approaches to screening applicants for reinstatement of their driver's license after it was suspended or revoked. The RII and RRI-II explore the question, “Has the applicant changed since their drivers license was suspended or revoked?” There are six RRI. ... Test (SAAST), the Young Adult Alcohol Problems Screening Test (YAAPST), the College Alcohol Problems Scale (CAPSr), and the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI). Instruments used to evaluate those arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol also include the MortimerFilkins, the Driver Risk Inventory (DRIII),. 4. SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT IN THE ADJUDICATION PROCESS. 4.1 RECENT TRENDS IN SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT. 4.2 NEW HAMPSHIRE'S PROCEDURES. 4.2.1 Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II). 4.2.2 Research Institute on Addiction's Self-Inventory (RIASI). 4.2.3 Substance Abuse Life. At the screening evaluation, which must take place within 14 days of sentencing for a person convicted of DWI, the IDCMP administers the following tests: the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II), and the Research on Addictions Self-Inventory (RIASI). These tests are scored based on research thought to indicate. DDOT research, emerged from Driver Risk Inventory-II research, which is extensive, impressive, and ongoing. To meet the needs of treatment facilities, DUI evaluation agencies, and the court system, DSM-5 has also been included in the DDOT. Dimensional measures use recent time frames (e.g., past year, last month,. Level I course, evaluation and DRI, $289. Level II course, evaluation and DRI, $436. Application to Special Supervision (Includes: DRI, Record Checks and State Fee), $284.90. Periodic Update Session, $55. Periodic Update Session w/ Ignition. Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), $5. Reinstatement Review Inventory (RRI), $5. AHIMSA, Acculturation, Habits, and Interests Multicultural Scale for Adolescents, [more] · Unger, Jennifer B. | Gallaher, Peggy | Shakib, Sohaila | Ritt-Olson, Anamara | Palmer, Paula H. | Johnson, C. Anderson. 9. ARSMA ARSMA-II, Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans, [more] · Cuellar, Israel | Harris | Jasso. 10. Missouri law now requires all persons arrested for DWI to complete an assessment screening of their alcohol and substance use related to their driving behavior. This screening consists of a Department of Revenue driver's record. check, completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II),. and an individualized. Let me assist you in the process of restoring your freedom to drive by providing a Driver's License Restoration Evaluation. What can I expect at the evaluation? * Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) * Drug Screening Test (DAST) * Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II) * 10-Panel Urinalysis with Integrity Variables * References. Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI, DRI II) – 3 States. Driving Under the Influence Pretest (DUI Pretest) – 1 State. Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) – 7 States. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) – 1 State. Mortimer-Filkins Questionnaire – 2 States. Multidimensional Addiction and Personality. Court, Domestic Violence Inventory Treatment Intervention Inventory Shoplifting Inventory DVI Pre-Post. Nebraska Probation Department, Driver Risk Inventory Domestic Violence Inventory SAQ-Adult Probation III Sexual Adjustment Inventory ACDI-Corrections Version II. CORRESPONDING SUMMARY REPORT LINKS. "DOC" means the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. "DPS" means the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. "Driver Risk Inventory–II" or "DRI-II" is an assessment or screening instrument, which contains six scales measuring truthfulness, driver risk, stress coping ability, and severity of alcohol or other drug abuse and. ... to alcohol or drug-related driving offenses, the process of reclaiming your license can be overwhelming. Let us assist you by providing a. Driver's License Restoration Evaluation. What can I expect at the evaluation? * Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST). * Drug Screening Test (DAST). * Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II). The SATOP Assessment Screening Process Overview The Driver Risk Inventory IIDRI II) is inventory a test designed by Behavior Data Systems.. loss for insurance Your W IDIP Intake Interview Driver risk Risk Inventory II The DRI II test compares the answers you give on the second administration to the the answers you. Moderate to high risk. Risk Assessment Tools: COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions). Driver Risk Inventory - II (DRI-II). Admission(s):. Post-plea/pre-adjudication or conviction. Post-adjudication or conviction. Contact: Name: Jenae Brantner. Job Title: Treatment Court Coordinator. Additionally, Missouri law now requires all persons arrested for DWI to complete an assessment screening of their alcohol and substance use related to their driving behavior. This screening consists of a Department of Revenue driver's record check, completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II), and an. Driver Risk Index (DRI) is dé oplossing voor risicobeheer en gebaseerd op meer dan 20 jaar academisch onderzoek in samenwerking met belangrijke organisaties in de fleet, bus, transport, politie, brand en. De ontwikkeling van de voorloper van Driver Risk Index (DRI): the Driver Stress Inventory (DSI), begon in 1985. Unofficial Copy: OAC Title 450:22. Page 4 of 9. Permanent rules effective 07/01/2003 and EMERGENCY effective 08/04/2003. "Driver Risk Inventory–II" or "DRI-II" is an assessment or screening instrument, which contains six scales measuring truthfulness, driver risk, stress coping ability, and severity of. Understand the strengths and limitations of the three assessment tools: Adult Substance Use Driver's Survey (ASUDS-RI), Drivers Risk Inventory (DRI –II), and Mortimer-Filkins paper and pencil tool; Know the components of the three tools and how to apply them for an evaluation; Correctly and accurately administer, score,. Items 74 - 89. After reviewing the major DUI/DWI offender tests, NHTSA rated the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), the best (DOT HS 807 475). Now, after years of additional . Starting Your Driver Intervention Program The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment.The Driver. Assessment Tests (allows for multiple entries) *Test Type ACDI - Corrections Version II (Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc.) Addiction Severity Index (ASI) Adult. Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc.) Domestic Violence Inventory Pre-Post (DVI Pre-Post) Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II - Risk & Needs. Driver Risk Inventory (DRI). The DRI was developed by H. Lindeman, Ph.D. to be an effective and non-offensive method of screening problem drinkers, substance (alcohol and other drug) abusers and high-risk drivers. It is brief, easily administered and scored. Within five minutes of completion, the DRI can generate a. The national highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the highest federal authority in the DUI field and they rated the Driver Risk Inventory the best DUI/DWI assessment instrument or test. And since then, after extensive research the DRI-II has been improved. A DSM-IV based Substance Abuse Scale has been. their alcohol and substance use related to their driving behavior. This screening consists of a Department of Revenue driver's record check, completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II), and an individualized interview. The results of the screening determine the appropriate level of SATOP placement for each. In order to effectively manage impaired drivers, it is necessary to accurately assess their risk, and, if possible, provide rehabilitation options targeted toward their criminogenic needs. The current study examined the Level of Service Inventory-Ontario Revision (LSI-OR) and its ability to predict both general recidivism and DWI. risk of future impaired driving and riding behaviors; intervention effectiveness; behavioral and attitudinal change after intervention; rationalizations for drinking and driving; history of impaired driving. Driver Risk Inventory II. The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. CDC - Centers for Disease Control. CIP - Clinical Intervention Progam. DMH - Department of Mental Health. DOR - Department of Revenue. DRI-II - Driver Risk Inventory II. DUI - Driving Under the Influence. DWI - Driving While Intoxicated. MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MDHS - Missouri Division of Highway Safety. The Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) was developed in 1987 specifically for those convicted of driving while intoxicated. It consist of 5 scales relating to alcohol, drugs, truthfulness, driver risk, and stress coping. A recently released version, the DRI II includes a substance dependency scale as well. The Drug Abuse Screening Test. The Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) was developed by Behavior Data Systems (BDS) specifically for DWI offenders ( According to BDS, the DRI is a simple and brief screening instrument containing six scales measuring truthfulness, driver risk, stress coping abilities, alcohol abuse. Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the Driver Risk Inventory, second edition (DRI-II) using a sample of 1014 Florida DUI offenders. The DRI-II is an updated version of the DRI, which is used to screen DUI offenders for potential substance abuse treatment need. Tasks included questionnaire design and statistical. Driver License. 6. Probation. 7. Other. II. DUI Offender Program Management. A. Who typically administers the DUI Offender Program at the local level?. Required: Driver Risk Inventory II or Defendant Questionnaire and Addiction. Severity Index.. Test findings, referral guidelines based on DRI II or DQ and American. j) Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) and k) Hopkins 20-Questions Test (New Hopkins 20-Questions - for alcoholism). The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's website: should be consulted periodically for updates in screening instruments. Assessment. PREFACE The Driver Risk I PREFACE The Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) is a brief, easily administered and automated. In California, drivers are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and other drugs.. The majority of DUI tests used in California (an exception being the Driver Risk Inventory - II) are outdated; none of them have a built-in Truthfulness Scale; most (if not. The Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) was rated number 1. 5f – Driver Risk Inventory II. Once the above-mentioned forms are completed and scored, the Case Manager/Counselor consults with the Program Director or Clinical Supervisor on staff and a determination is made with regard to acceptance into the DWI court program. Much attention is made to be very. The driver risk inventory-ii, or dri-ii, "the driver risk inventory (dri) additional information can be provided upon request by writing. Add your company logo using our customization tool. Sign in clearance electronics & office shop electronics. Help with dri custom writing our writing service exists specifically to. This document is an extracted chapter from the 'Impaired Driving Risk Assessment: A Primer. Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) (Chang et al. 2002).... of the Alcohol Use Disorders Screening Test (AUDIT). WHO collaborative project on early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption. II. Addiction. ACDI-Corrections Version II, Designed for school, juvenile court, and juvenile probation department use. Version II. Version II has 140 items and takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Version II.. After reviewing the major DUI/DWI offender tests, NHTSA rated the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), the best (DOT HS 807 475). Now. TwitterFacebookGoogle+. Date Added: September 6th, 2011 00:49:19 AM. 3 driver-related tests: Driver Risk Inventory-II, DRI-II Short. 3 driver-related tests discussed: 1. Driver Risk Inventory-II, 2. DRI-II Short Form and 3. Reinstatement Review Inventory-II. [Filename:] - Read File Online. (DRI-II Driver risk Inventory for assessment of DWI and DUI offenders.) P.O. Box 32938. Phoenix, AZ 85064. Evince Clinical Assessments (Psychological tests and training materials) P.O. Box 17305. Smithfield, RI 02917. Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc (Behavior Dimensions Scale for assessment of those problems. If you must complete SATOP, the first step is to contact a SATOP provider and set-up an initial assessment screening. The screening consists of a Missouri Department of Revenue driver record check, completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II), and an individualized interview. The results of the. The national highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the highest federal authority in the DUI field, and they rated the Driver Risk Inventory the best, DUI/DWI, assessment instrument, or test. And since then, after extensive research, the DRI-2 has been improved. A DSM-IV based Substance Abuse Scale has been. Dri - digital repository of technology executive resume writing service ireland digital repository. Bad habits can be hard to break, but what if those bad habits break your car. Documents similar to sanford v. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand writing supplies products. Driver risk inventory-ii (dri-ii. By dialer. Screening Appointments. Missouriu0027s certified education and intervention treatment program for DWI offenders. driving record check Completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI II. SATOPAlcohol-RelatedClassBrochure.pdf. Read/Download File Report Abuse. provide sufficient background for more recent findings. Thus, this volume is a compilation of information from a 5-year span of alcohol and highway safety reports and research findings. 17. Key Words. DWI Brief interventions; DWI Enforcement; DWI Prevention; DWI Programs; At-Risk. Drivers. 18. Distribution Statement. AGE-ASSOCIATED ALCOHOL AND DRIVER RISK DIFFERENCES IN OLDER ADULT DUI OFFENDERS. December 2015. Purpose: The aim of the study was to characterize age-group differences on the Driver Risk Inventory–II (DRI-II) in a group of driving under the influence (DUI) offenders. Method: Data. We have regular service and we offer rushed service alcohol and drug evaluations. Alcohol and drug assessments may include but limited to: SASSI, MAST, DAST, AUDIT, BADDS, DSM-V, Driver Inventory II and others. If you need the DSM-V or Driver Inventory II, you must specify those requirements at the time of ordering. Missouri law now requires all persons arrested for DWI to complete Magnify assessment screening of their alcohol and substance use related to their driving behavior. This screening consists of a Department of Revenue driver's record check, completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II), and an. (1) For all alcohol and drug related driving offenses resulting in license revocation, a completed and scored, current computerized version of the Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) in a face-to-face structured interview. For all non-driving alcohol and drug related convictions resulting in license revocation,. Items 119 - 140. For more in-depth information on the Driver Risk Inventory-II, interested parties are referred to the website With the understanding that these two websites and are available resources for more information on the DRI-II, this Orientation and Training. The discusses 3 driving related tests: Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II); Driver Impairment Index; and the Reinstatement Review Inventory-II.What risk factors do all drivers face? The effect of passengers and risk-taking friends on risky driving and crashes/near crashes among novice drivers.Driver Risk Premium Find out if you. Objective and accurate DUI/DWI offender assessment. The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. PREFACE The Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) is a brief, easily administered and automated (computer-scored) test that is designed for DUI/DWI offender. 1 Illinois State DUI Program Driver Risk Inventory-II Driver Risk Inventory-II Short Form 2009 SUMMARY REPORT This report presents a synopsis of Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) and Driver Risk Inventory-II Short Form test data for 28,790 DUI offenders tested by the Illinois DUI Program. Test data was gathered in the. The discusses 3 driving related tests: Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II); Driver Impairment Index; and the Reinstatement Review Inventory-II.1 | Drivers of risk management Adapting risk management to organisational motives Main findings, implications and overview of project Risk management's official.Driver Monitoring.